What is better Surgery for Piles or Treating Piles at Home?

Treating Piles - Is Surgery Better Than Treating Piles At Home Naturally?
By L. Dillon

Should you try treating piles at home naturally before you try surgery? If you suffer from piles I am sure you have asked yourself this question. One of the biggest problems with having surgery is that this is not a permanent cure. If you do not change your diet and habits that caused the piles in the first place then they will still return.

What are the surgery options?

Stapled hemorrhoidopexy - This is where a round device is inserted into the rectum and the prolapsed tissue is pulled into the device. Next the excess tissue is cut away and the remaining hemorrhoidal tissue is stapled.

There are a few rare possible side effects of this procedure.

Possible damaged to the rectal wall if the muscle tissue is drawn to far into the device.
The internal sphincter muscles might be stretched resulting in short-term or long-term complications.
If you have large and bulky piles then this procedure may not work at all.
A higher risk of your piles returning in this procedure than from traditional surgery.

Harmonic Scalpel -This technique uses ultrasonic technology for cutting and coagulation. There is less bleeding from this procedure compared to laser surgery.
Laser Surgery for piles - This is a very accurate and actually vaporizes the hemorrhoids. It has a very high success rate.
Atomizing Hemorrhoids - The atomizer procedure is a new and basically it vaporizes the pile one cell layer at a time. It has similar results as laser surgery but it has been reported that there is less bleeding.

The possible complications for Harmonic, laser, and Atomizing surgery are as followed.

Infections are rare but are possible after piles surgery. There is less than a 1% chance of abscess.
Severe pain can last for 2 to 3 weeks.
Post surgery bleeding.
Swelling of skin bridges.
Difficulty urinating and possible urinary tract infections.
Major short-term incontinence.
Formation of skin tags.
Anal fissure.
Possible 40% chance that your piles will return.

With all of these wonderful surgery options why would you want to try treating piles at home?

The truth is, surgery should always be the least resort when treating piles. A good natural treatment for piles will show you several ways to get fast relief naturally. Then it will show you how to shrink your hemorrhoids and stop the bleeding all from using natural home remedies for piles. The best part about these natural cures is that your in control of what you are using and this is very important if you are pregnant. However, if you are pregnant they still would like you to show your doctor the ingredients before you use them just to be on the safe side. The good news is that some of the top natural piles cures have been proven to work in some cases as fast as 48 hours.

The biggest reason I could give you for why you should try treating piles at home naturally, is that there is a huge chance that they will still return after surgery. This is because the reason why you got your hemorrhoids has not been addressed only the hemorrhoids. Without the knowledge that a natural treatment can bring you on diet and exercise. It would be easy to continue the bad habits that caused the hemorrhoids in the first place.

For even more information about treating piles at home please visit H Miracle Scam or H Miracle Review. After all information is key top solving any problem.

What do Hemorrhoids Feel Like?

What do hemorrhoids feel like?

Hemorrhoids can be very painful and itchy plus they can bleed at times. Hemorrhoids come from the veins in the wall of the rectum. These veins often resemble varicose veins. They are thin walled and often swell thus creating a hemorrhoid problem. The swelling normally occurs when there is added pressure from constipation, hard stools, pregnancy (during and after), sitting or standing to long in the same spot, drinking to much alcohol or alcoholism and so on. There are many reasons why you might get this problem.

But what do hemorrhoids feel like?

1. EXTERNAL hemorrhoids: These are outside the rectum and can be painful and very itchy. If you touch the area, you can actually feel the hemorrhoids. They feel like a swollen lump.

2. INTERNAL hemorrhoids: These are right inside the rectum and normally do not have any pain associated with them. I was not that lucky when i had an internal hemorrhoid flair up the pain would shoot down the back of my legs and could feel crippling. This is rare for internal hemorrhoids to hurt but it can happen. You might also have the feeling of always needing to go to the toilet or as i like to call it the never ending poop. They deteriorate much faster than external hemorrhoids. You may see bright red blood in the stool or on the paper. Also, itching could be present with internal hemorrhoids.

3. PROLAPSED hemorrhoids are the worst kind to have! The pain can be unbearable and prolapsed hemorrhoids are very hard to get rid of. In the early stages you can literally push them back up the anus with your finger. This condition can go one step further and become strangulated. They can easily become infected.

If you are seeing blood in your stool then i recommend that you see a doctor as there could be other problems. It is always best to play it safe.

If you do have hemorrhoids then i recommend that try a home remedies for hemorrhoids. These tend to work the best to cure them for good.

For information About the top hope remedies for hemorrhoids please read the following reviews:

What Causes Piles

I hope this will help you figure out What Causes Piles. You will notice that it is very easy to get them but it is not so easy to get rid of Piles. Then if you would like to get rid of this for good then you should try some home remedies for Hemorrhoids.
  • Alcoholism or drinking to many alcoholic drinks - This will cause you to become dehydrated and it will tend to cause hard stools or constipation.
  • Pregnancy or right after giving birth - This is not only because of the extra weight gained but also because the fetus actually places more pressure on the rectal veins. Changes in a pregnant woman's diet, lifestyle (such as not getting enough exercise and sitting too much) and also toilet habits (sitting too long at the toilet) will all contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Holding your breath while lifting heavy objects. A lot of weight lifters will do this when doing a heavy lift. When you hold your breath during a heavy lift all of your upper body will be straining. This forces blood into the lower region and might cause swelling and hemorrhoids.
  • Constipation and hard stools - This will cause hemorrhoids to to the straining during a bowel movement.
  • Poor diet and eating processed foods, A poor diet and processed foods are now in fiber and move slowly through your colon.
  • Being over weight or obesity - Poor fitness level will affect the colon function.
  • Laxatives - If you use these often to try an combat constipation then you could actually make matters worse. This can make the colon lazy and not work properly over time.
  • Holding in a bowel movement and waiting to long to defecate - This will cause added pressure and could cause bleeding piles.
  • Sitting or standing to long without moving - If you are in the office working at a desk the hours you spend sitting can cause hemorrhoids. This also applies to truck drivers or people that drive everyday for long periods of time. Sitting and standing to long will cause blood to pool in the lower region and will cause the veins in the rectal area to swell.
  • Anal Sex - this ads pressure and What Causes Piles.
There are many more reasons why someone might get piles but these are the most common reasons. If you suffer from this and you would like to cure your piles for good then i recommend that you check out the H Miracle website!

If you would live to read a few reviews please visit these sites: