Sitz Bath and Ice Packs for Hemorrhoids

Sitz Baths and Ice Packs are great for giving fast natural hemorrhoid pain relief. They are fast acting and will help speed up t

Sitz bath for hemorrhoids feel very soothing and can help reduce the swelling, stop the itching, and help relieve the pain.
Now there are some sitz baths that fit over-the-toilet. However, you do not need to buy one of these. Your bathtub will work, just make sure that it is clean before you start.

To make a sitz bath for hemorrhoids all you will need is Epsom salt and warm water. Just fill your tub with enough water to cover your hips and add about a 1/3 cut of Epsom salt. You will want to lay back when your in the tub  so you can all the pressure off your hemorrhoids. You can also set on a hemorrhoid pillow to help you take the pressure off the hemorrhoids while you are soaking in the sitz bath. If you don't have Epsom salt you can use regular table salt.
If you would like to buy a hemorrhoid pillow you can do so online on or just go to the local Pharmacy and i am sure you can get the sitz bath, Epson salt, and hemorrhoid pillow.

Ice Packs - Ice packs are great for reducing hemorrhoid swelling and can give you fast instant piles pain relief. Ice packs will numb the swollen hemorrhoids and will help reduce the swelling plus ice packs are great way to stop bleeding hemorrhoids.

For even more information about natural treatments please visit H miracle review or this H Miracle Review and Hemorrhoid Miracle Review.

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