What do Hemorrhoids Feel Like?

What do hemorrhoids feel like?

Hemorrhoids can be very painful and itchy plus they can bleed at times. Hemorrhoids come from the veins in the wall of the rectum. These veins often resemble varicose veins. They are thin walled and often swell thus creating a hemorrhoid problem. The swelling normally occurs when there is added pressure from constipation, hard stools, pregnancy (during and after), sitting or standing to long in the same spot, drinking to much alcohol or alcoholism and so on. There are many reasons why you might get this problem.

But what do hemorrhoids feel like?

1. EXTERNAL hemorrhoids: These are outside the rectum and can be painful and very itchy. If you touch the area, you can actually feel the hemorrhoids. They feel like a swollen lump.

2. INTERNAL hemorrhoids: These are right inside the rectum and normally do not have any pain associated with them. I was not that lucky when i had an internal hemorrhoid flair up the pain would shoot down the back of my legs and could feel crippling. This is rare for internal hemorrhoids to hurt but it can happen. You might also have the feeling of always needing to go to the toilet or as i like to call it the never ending poop. They deteriorate much faster than external hemorrhoids. You may see bright red blood in the stool or on the paper. Also, itching could be present with internal hemorrhoids.

3. PROLAPSED hemorrhoids are the worst kind to have! The pain can be unbearable and prolapsed hemorrhoids are very hard to get rid of. In the early stages you can literally push them back up the anus with your finger. This condition can go one step further and become strangulated. They can easily become infected.

If you are seeing blood in your stool then i recommend that you see a doctor as there could be other problems. It is always best to play it safe.

If you do have hemorrhoids then i recommend that try a home remedies for hemorrhoids. These tend to work the best to cure them for good.

For information About the top hope remedies for hemorrhoids please read the following reviews:

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